Channel: road toll – Kiwiblog
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Dom Post lashes Genter


The Dom Post last week:

Children and beauty pageant contestants say the darnedest things: Talk with them about some of the trickiest global issues and the reply is invariably the same.

What would you do about war, famine, poverty? I’d make them go away.

Those of us who understand that complex issues lie behind all of those, and that some sectors actually benefit from such cycles of misery, share their idealism but not the naivety.

At this point we should make it clear that we are being deliberately patronising.

To be patronising is to treat someone or something with apparent kindness but, ultimately, condescension.

Julie Anne Genter appears to have both nailed. It is laudable that the Associate Transport Minister cares deeply about the people she represents and is passionate about making our roads safer. We too share her view that the road toll must come down.

But it is condescending and patronising that she would promote a nonsensical target of zero road deaths.

It is condescending and patronising. If the Government really thinks it is a good idea, they should also announce:

  • Target of zero drownings
  • Target of zero child abuse
  • Target of zero poverty
  • Target of zero unemployment
  • Target of zero workplace accidents
  • Target of zero medical misadventures
  • Target of zero crime
  • Target of zero greenhouse gas emissions
  • Target of zero abortions
  • Target of zero mountain climbing deaths
  • Target of zero ACC claims
  • Target of zero suicides

Genter is neither a child nor a beauty pageant contestant. She is a Minister of the Crown, which means she should be delivering facts, not fantasy.

I want world peace and a zero road toll!

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